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ETL+ Command Line Interface

Windows command line (CMD/command/ (DOS) syntax for running processes defined on ETL+. These DataSelf ETL Plus.exe parameters run ETL+ jobs found on ETL+'s Job page.
The -ui load parameter is the same as selecting the -j <job-id> job on the Job page followed by Run Job.

Syntax for Windows Shortcuts and command line interface to ETL+

<path>\DataSelf ETL Plus.exe” -e <entity> -j <job-id> [-ui load] [-ui log]


  • <path>: Folder where ETL+ is installed. By default, C:\Program Files\DataSelf ETL Plus\

  • -e <entity>: The entity is the Entity value shown on the lower left-hand corner of most ETL+ pages. This parameter is always required to define which entity will be used by the command line.

  • -j <job-id>: This parameter will run the <job-id> (shown on the Job’s ID column - see the image below) from the -e <entity> as a Windows service on the local computer.

    • Example: "DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" -e sample_entity -j 3.

  • -ui load: This parameter added to -j will run the Job via the Load UI (instead of running as a service). |
    Running a command line with the -ui load parameter is the same as selecting the -j <job-id> on the Job page and then Run Job.

Example. The page below is displayed because of the -ui load parameter in the command line
"DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" -e w_demo_erp -j 3 -ui load.

Page displayed because of the -ui load parameter.

  • -ui log: This parameter will run the ETL Log page from the -e <entity>.
    The log shown is the same log as the log shown when clicking Log on the ETL or Job pages.

    • E.g.: The following page is the result from: "DataSelf ETL Plus.exe" -e w_demo_erp -ui log

      The ETL Log page is displayed because of the -ui log parameter.


Access to source data. The WIndows user that ultimately executes the job (-j <job-id>) is determined by the App option of the Job Properties panel of the ETL+ Job Page. This Windows user must have access rights to the source data.

Log in Credentials. The command line interface does not require the credentials required by the ETL+ Sign in Page.


Job page. The job-id shown above corresponds to the -j <job-id> parameter.

Job List panel header of Job page

Related Pages

Syntax for Prior Versions of ETL+

v2023.07, v2023.10 ✅

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