New to DSA Cloud AD
Requirements and information we need to prepare DSA Cloud AD for use.
DSA Cloud AD System Overview and home page for DSA Cloud AD documentation.
By default most clients are setup with a demo, daily, weekly and monthly batches. The demo batch can be used for testing settings. Each batch has a sheet (or tab) in a Excel file containing the Report & Distribution Commands.
There is some overhead in setting up these tables so we need to know how many batches you will need.
Email Server to Use to Send Out Going Emails
By default DSA Cloud AD will send emails via a shared gmail account. We strongly recommend allowing DSA Cloud AD to access your organization's SMTP email server.
Please see Out Going Email Servers for Automatic Distribution | Static-Parameter-file-Settings-for-Outgoing-Email for the connection information required to allow DSA Cloud AD to send out going reports through your server.
Upload Report & Distribution Commands
Current versions of DSA Cloud AD uses ETL+ for 2 functions:
Upload Report & Distribution Commands from a Excel file to the ETL+ cloud server.
Trigger run-on-demand.
Older Version - Devart for Excel Add-in to Maintain the Report & Distribution Commands
Devart for Excel gives you remote access to the tables which store the Report & Distribution Commands which drive and control DSA Cloud AD.
See Devart Excel AddIn for how to download a 30 day trial version that will get you started.
We will assist you in configuring the software with credentials and links to the appropriate database and table.
See also the discussion of the DMZ database on this page.
Copy of Microsoft Excel
A Windows server, desktop or laptop.
Prepare Tableau Reports, Dashboards etc.
Prior to training please prepare at least one Tableau report for automation. For training please select a report that has at least one filter that the Report & Distribution commands can control.