ETL+ Source Driver for Google Sheets
Creates and manages Source Objects that connect to Google Sheets.

Source Objects panel toolbar
Add Source: New Google Sheets connection.
Properties: Maintain Google Sheets connection.
Refresh: Update Google Sheet metadata.

Google Sheets Page

Alias name. The name for the source object shown on the Source Objects panel.
A source object name will be automatically populated. Customize as desired.Schema.
Spreadsheet ID. Link to a Google Speadsheet.
The value of the Spreadsheet ID comes from one segment of the Google sheet’s URL as shown in the example below.Segment of URL to copy to Spreadsheet ID.
Target (optional). Name of a single Google sheet, also known as a worksheet or tab.
To connect to all Google spreadsheet tabs leave Target (optional) empty.
To connect to a single spreadsheet tabs enter the sheet name in Target (optional).
Specifying a single Target may may resolve connection problems.
Back. Leave the page without saving or attempting to connection.
Connect. Connect to the source database.
Save. Save the configuration without attempting to connect.
![]() | Help |
![]() | Change DataSource. Only shown when opened by Properties. |
How to Add Google Sheet Connections
Open the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page for the ETL+ entity to edit.
Select Add Source
> Google Sheets
See the documentation above for the Google Sheets page.
How to Maintain Google Sheet Connections
Open the ETL+ Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) Page for the ETL+ entity to edit.
Select a Google Sheets based Source Object on the Source Objects panel.
Select Properties > Google Sheets.
Google Speadsheets, Sheets and Worksheets.
Google Sheets is the Cloud application for creating spreadsheets
A Google Spreadsheet is an entire file.
Each Sheet in a Google spreadsheet is a tab. There can be one (minimum) of more Sheets in a spreadsheet.
Sheet, Worksheet and Tab may be used interchangably in documentation.
Documentation often doesn’t explicitly explain the terms.
Related Pages
ETL+ for Google Sheets – a tutorial on extracting Google Sheets into a data warehouse.
v2025.10 v2023.07 ✅