Product Catalog: Templates
🚧 A focused portfolio of DataSelf’s templates, products, and use cases that are deployed by pre-build templates. Designed as a summary guide to help you find the templates that match your requirements. Supplements the main Product Catalog.
DataSelf’s major products are DataSelf ETL+, Pre-built, Pre-mapped, out-of-the-box Solutions for ERP, CRM and other business systems, and cloud hosting. Pre-built solutions deployed by templates cover three use cases: Full BI out-of-the-box, Do It Yourself, and Mirror Copy.
All solutions can run in fully cloud hosted, hybrid, or completely on-premise configurations. Professional services are available for deployment and customization.
Pre-mapped Source Systems lists all ERP, CRM and other business systems with pre-built solutions.
Pre-built, Pre-mapped, out-of-the-box Solutions
DataSelf’s pre-built, OOTB solutions are deployed with templates. Solutions cover three use cases: Full BI out-of-the-box, Do It Yourself, and Mirror Copy.
Full BI Solutions: Pre-mapped, pre-built, Out-Of-The-Box. Templates are sold by business process areas such as Sales Order, Inventory, Mfg, AP, GL, Customer, etc. You only pay for solutions in the business areas you need. Pre-mapped Source Systems list all the ERP, CRM and other business systems with pre-built solutions.
These out-of-the-box templates configure DataSelf ETL+ and the analysis and reporting utilities Tableau, Power BIand Excel. See Three Levels of Templates below for more.
Do It Yourself. For customers who want or have to build their own BI solution stack. (No OOTB solution available)
To get you started we offer a template with the reference tables that are the basis for certain aspects of our OOTB solutions.
Mirror Copy. For customers who need a simple copy of their database -- a faithful replication/mirror copy of their data in a data warehouse.
For speed and efficiency templates configure DataSelf ETL+ to copy data from selected tables using delta update logic.
Three Levels of Templates
Templates configure our BI solution at three levels.
First templates configure DataSelf ETL+, mapping and transforming data into a data warehouse.
For Tableau and Power BI the templates load and further prepare the data for Tableau and Power BI’s internal, high-performance data repositories.
Finally, the templates pre-configure thousands of pre-configured reports, dashboards, charts and visualizations for Tableau, Power BI and Microsoft Excel. The edition of DataSelf Analytics impacts how many reports are available.
Level 1. DataSelf ETL+ BI Optimized Data Warehouse
Templates at this level map data systems to a data warehouse structured and designed to optimize reporting and BI analysis.
Configure DataSelf ERP+ to extract from the data system; map and transform the data and finally create and load the data warehouse.
A template with tables that support date and fiscal period operations, enabling time analysis across years, quarters, weeks, periods and other custom date ranges.
Do the templates include all three levels o
(Data Warehouse, Are templates available for Pre-built Reports, Dashboards and Excel Workbooks ? No
Level 2. Report Utility / High-performance Data Repositories
Templates at this level cover Tableau and Power BI and their proprietary optimized storage formats.
Tableau. For Tableau the templates include TDE files (extracts) and data sources used by Tableau Server.
Power BI. For Power BI the templates data stores are the semantic models in the Power BI Service.
Tableau data sources and Power BI semantic models are refreshed from the optimized data warehouse.
Templates may include additional transformations and logic in cases where it's more appropriate to perform them at this stage.
Level 3. Pre-built Reports, Dashboards and Excel Workbook level.
Tableau. Templates include out-of-the-box, Tableau reports and dashboards that draw their data from the Tableau data sources managed by the previous level.
Power BI. Templates include out-of-the-box reports, dashboards, and visualizations that draw their data from the PVI semantic model by the previous level.
Excel Workbooks. Excel workbooks & worksheets that draw their data either from the data warehouse (see level # 1) or from data files exported from Tableau’s or Power BI.
The number of reports depends on the edition of DataSelf Analytics.
Do the templates cover all 3 levels or can I just purchase templates for this level, to get the pre-built reports ? No
What is a Template?
Template is DataSelf’s term for any file that deploys any part of a pre-built, pre-configured solution. Templates configure ETL+ to map from ERP/source systems to our data warehouse; the data warehouse schema; Tableau and Power BI sematic models; Tableau, Power BI, and Microsoft Excel reports; static reference tables used by ETL+; and scripts
Template Pages
Source System. Source System is our term for a ERP, CRM or other business system.
ThePre-mapped Source Systems page lists all ERP, CRM and other business systems with pre-built BI solutions from DataSelf.
In contrast, the ETL+ Data Source List is a comprehensive list of all the files, data bases, ODBC engines, and API data sources that we know ETL+ connects to.
Template. See section above.
Related Page Links
Links used on this page.
ETL+ Time Series – a set of static reference tables used by ETL+
DataSelf Analytics Editions – the editions bundle in the number of services and features available.
The table on shows the number of report & dashboard templates bundled with each edition.